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My name is Siobhan and I co-founded Home of Huggles with my mum Sharon in 2018 after exhausting all mattress protection options on our Kidney Kid journey.

As a busy mum to a son with medical needs, I was exhausted from the loads of washing regularly created from catheter leaks. The most frustrating part was the amount of time required for them to dry, occasionally getting caught out and using towels out of desperation (which only made it worse at times because I would land up having to wash a mattress). I needed help.

The AHA! moment
It happened during one of my sons stays at Starship Childrens hospital. My son was playing with play dough in his hospital bed. He made a mini aeroplane and was zooming it around and accidentally bumped it into a cup of water, causing it to spill all over his bed. A nurse came in to help us change the sheets. It was quick, easy and we all had a laugh about the collision that had happened.

An easier bedwetting solution
It was quick and easy to change the bedding. We removed the sheets, wiped down the bed, watched it dry and put clean sheets on. Despite the minor setback, his spirits remained high and he continued creating more objects from his imagination... with his water now moved a safer distance away.
I pulled together my background in MEDICAL DEVICES, EXPERIENCES AS A BUSY MUM OF A CHILD WITH MEDICAL NEEDS and MY MUMS SEWING SKILLS, and we worked on a design that could make it possible for you to get the best WATERPROOF BEDDING PROTECTION possible. Since then we’ve made a range that that can be customised for people toilet training, bedwetters and incontinence whilst being mindful of budgets.

Beyond working full time in a job that covers all of Aotearoa and balancing a co parent relationship. I am also a member of Kidney Kids NZ board and treasurer of the school PTA. I most recently became the mum to an overgrown 6 month Labradoodle called Aslan.

Jan. 25, 2024

Confident Content Live Coaching: Content Planning for Time-Poor Busin…

If you are extremely time poor, and need to make sure your content marketing works, but isn’t going to take up too much time then this is the episode for you. Today I help my client Siobhan Richards find a …

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