Confident Content: Psychographic Profiling (Part 3) - Where To Get The Infomation

Having a super robust psychographic profile of your ideal customer (you may need one per offer, or a few for your business over all) can help you better create content, decide where to spend your marketing time and energy, and develop further products and services that you know they will love (making your business easier to grow)
When I look at one of mine, it immediately helps me think of content that best fits their needs and is going to attract people like my current ideal clients. I have two overlapping sets of common types - and tend to talk to them both on slightly different platforms, with email currently blending the two together (this may change in the future)
The more I dig into talking to the whole of my ideal persona, the more my content hits the mark faster. And the more engagement I get on my posts. It helps me talk to pain points, share bliss,
In the last two episodes we’ve broken down exactly what you look at when developing a profile. In this episode we look at the different ways you can collect the information and data you need to make an as accurate as possible picture.
If you know you want more of your ideal clients, then this is a great place to start.
Let's work out how to get collecting, so we can create content that makes more of an impact and grows our business.
In this episode we cover:
- The need for both qualitative and quantitative data
- Where information may be hiding right in front of you
- What to do if you have NO data
- Questions you could ask your current clients
- What a focus group is and what you need to think to run it
- The benefits and risks of using facebook posts and groups to collect data.
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