Confident Content: My content strategy for launching my course in 2024

I’m using the phrase “Imagine how thankful March Rachel will be if you do this now” when working on my marketing tasks at the moment. I’m looking at a very booked March and April, and anything I do now to ensure my marketing goes on no matter what is going to make that easier.
I’m not naturally good at working ahead. My ADHD and my propensity to over book my calendar, coupled with my distincy love of no work nights and weekends means that it’s much more preferable to wing it.
But I’ve learned the hard way what happens when I drop the marketing balls for too long. So batching to work ahead has become one of the tools I use.
It works for me because high on my motivational chart is time freedom. I’ll do anything now to give me time later. I’ve got books to read, beaches to walk and puppies to cuddle. All of that is worth pushing through right now.
Along with the core motivation of time freedom, I’m also motivated by two other common motivators. Meeting our sales goals (so we and our team get paid), and being able to develop creatively. (which also needs both time and money.)
Working out what your core motivators are can help you get your marketing done more consistently. Today we walk through what the common core motivators are and how you cna use them to work out what type of content might be easiest for you to make
In this episode we cover:
- Why our core motivators get us there when other things can’t
- How you can use them to adapt your activity
- What core motivators are common for small business owners
- How to ensure your motivators don’t take you down the wrong path
- What core motivators I’m using in my business at the moment (and why they change over our lifetimes)
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